bronze castings, wood carving and sculpture by Ashley Smith
Paintings by Ashley Smith artist New Zealand
Exhibition of creative works at Little River Gallery
Exhibition at the Mill in Waikari
Showtime! exhibition
2020 exhibition of portraits by Ashley Smith at Cheviot Museum
Paintings by Ashley Smith
WAI Waikuku Artists Incorporated Guest Show
Winds of change, paintings by Ashley Smith
Little river gallery paintings and sculptures
Welcome to the monkey house art show
The New New Zealand art show Little River Gallery 2009
Personalised Caricature Portraits of individuals and families.
About Ashley Smith - The Who Where What
Cartooning, illustration and caricature by artist Ashley Smith of Cheviot New Zealand
Graphic design, art and illustration by Ashley Smith, Manuka Bay Studios, NZ
Video creations by Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith Artist, Manuka Bay, Cheviot, New Zealand. Paintings, Cartooning, Illustration