
2020 Portrait Exhibition at Cheviot Museum

As mentioned on the Caricature Portraits page, when I arrived in this rural area around 40 yrs ago ( looking like Charles Manson and with suspect skills) one area where the locals found I could be of use was in being able to produce a painting which showed the life and times of someone.


They commissioned them for birthdays, farewells or any other high-revving occasion - and over the decades I’ve done scores of them.

However when the local museum committee approached me for permission to mount an exhibition of them, by way of presenting their great little institute in a new light, I was unsure how many of these paintings had survived - at least in our area.


In the event, the committee managed to winkle about 40 out of the woodwork

which they hung most professionally and, with the assistance of a local winery,

staged a wonderfully patronised gala opening and subsequent show.


It was my most stress-free exhibition. All I had to do was say ‘Yup’ when the proposal was put to me.



Details   An acrylic on canvas rendering
of Olmec and Melisa - and assorted critters
on their permaculture haven.
Year   2017
The Whitebait Crew

The Whitebait Crew

Details   This bunch of Cheviot worthies have gone out
whitebait wrangling together for the past decade.

Something to be commemorated with an acrylic
on stretched canvas.
Year   2019