23_-Peg-Ceremony  I was invited to be guest artist at the 2019 Waikuku Art Institute show. Its theme was ' What Inspires You' and 'surrealism' featured in my response - which enabled me to reincarnate my painting of the breaching clothes peg and the encouragement for all those sympathetic to endangered species ( whales and 70yr old artists) to wear a yellow peg on their lapel, at least for the night. Got a great response. Shown here, a sample of peg wearers including the purchaser of the painting and the mayor of the district.

Wai Guest Artist Statement

Hey, don't get me wrong - I CAN be subtle… but creating an image inspired by the drama of mythological and biblical allegory is a lot of fun!

My Pegasus painting is a product of that strain of inspiration. I was delighted to read that, with a blow of its hoof, the Pegasus can produce a font of water and wisdom … a trick that many in the bay bearing its name would encourage.

Another source of inspiration, possibly my original one, is the dreamscapes of the Surrealists. In these stage-like settings disparate elements interact in often telling ways.

Kaikoura Monday

Kaikoura Monday

Details   On my studio windowsill a little brass whale
and a random peg grew, over a few years, to
resemble each other - so I played with that.
Good people have crashed and burned
trying to find a subliminal message!

This work was in my previous show with the unattractive name 
'Kaikoura Kraken'. It fared better with this title.

acrylic on canvas
Year   2018
The Incident

The Incident

Year   2018


Year   2018
The Pegasus

The Pegasus

Details   ...Bringing forth a font of 
water and wisdom - a trick much needed 
in the bay bearing its name.
Year   2019
Canterbury Dreamscape

Canterbury Dreamscape

Details   ' What inspires you?' was the theme of the WAI art show that I was guest artist for
and painted this work for.

The surrealists' dreamscapes captivated me when I was a kid.
Year   2019
Man of the land

Man of the land

Year   2019